Purple Day for Epilepsy is a worldwide grassroots annual event. It is celebrated every year on March 26th and is intended to increase awareness of epilepsy. Cassidy Megan along with her mom started this initiative back in 2008 and it quickly grew into a global campaign.
ESNJ celebrated Purple Day this past weekend (2019) at the 8th Annual Paint the Pony Purple at the legendary Stone Pony in Asbury Park, NJ. All attendees were encouraged to wear purple! Check back on our website in the next few days for the event report blog post, which will include photos from the benefit concert. Stay tuned!
But for now, we put together an album of landmarks around the world that honored Purple Day for Epilepsy on March 26th. It is quite literally a global celebration, with landmarks being lit in the United States, Canada, Scotland, United Kingdom, and Turkey just to name a few. Click through the album to view the photos. Photo credits available here.
- CN Tower, Canada
- 3D Toronto Sign, Canada
- Titan Crane, Scotland
- The Welland Canal, Canada
- The Guildhall, UK
- SaskTel Centre, UK
- Quesnell Bridge, Canada
- Niagara Falls, USA
- Istanbul Bridge, Turkey
- Hamilton Town House, UK
- The Friary, UK
- Guildford Fire Station, UK
- His Majesty’s Theatre, UK
- Hamilton Sign, Canada