FRN Employment Services provides person-centered employment support services to people with disabilities who would like to prepare for, find and retain competitive employment.

Programs & Services
The Family Resource Network helps individuals prepare for, find and keep work. To access our services you must be referred by one of the following agencies: NJ Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired, NJ Division of Developmental Disabilities, NJ Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services.
If you do not receive services from one of these agencies, a self-pay option is available.
EDGE (Employment, Development, Guidance & Engagement)
The EDGE program is a CARF Accredited transition-to-work program that assists blind and vision impaired high school and college students to develop independence, self-advocacy and employment related skills in preparation for competitive employment.
Contact: 609-480-6364
Getting to Work*
Getting to Work (GTW) assists people with disabilities to prepare for, obtain and retain competitive employement. GTW is a CARF Accredited supported employment program for people with disabilities. GTW receives funding from the NJ Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired, the NJ Division of Developmental Disabilities, and the NJ Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services.
Geographic area: Statewide (depending on referral source)
Contact: 609-468-7420
NJWINS (New Jersey Work Incentives Network Support)
NJWINS is a Social Security Work Incentives Planning and Assistance program that assists SSI and SSDI beneficiaries of working age to protect benefits while exploring, starting, continuing or increasing work efforts, with the end goal of assisting them to transition from cash benefits to earnings and public health benefits to private health insurance options.