
Fun monthly activities that celebrate your special role as a sibling

Are you the sibling of a child with a special need?

Join Sibshop and meet other siblings who have similar experiences as you!

Registration is currently open for youth and young adults. Secure your spot at our next activity by calling 732-262-8020 ext. 216 or email [email protected]

Katie & Georgie’s Story

Sibshop is such a great program to be a part of. I love the idea of making connections with other siblings who have certain things in common with me. My brother’s name was Georgie.

Georgie had a multitude of disabilities and so my childhood was much different from my friends. There were some things that my siblings and I experienced that most people never have to deal with. For example, we never got to go on a family vacation with our whole family. It’s something most kids take for granted but for us there were a whole lot of logistics to figure out to even do one night away. I would sometimes be so jealous of my friends that just got to get on a plane and fly to Disney world with their whole family. But then there were other times that I was so grateful to have Georgie in my life!

My siblings and I grew up with such a great perspective about life. We never sweat the small stuff and we love each other hard because of the close bond we have. I’m not sure we would all be as close if it wasn’t for him and that is exactly what Sibshop is all about. We get to make bonds with others who have extraordinary lives due to their unique family! It’s a relaxed setting where it’s easy to open up or you can just decide to enjoy some games and snacks. No pressure, which is a nice break from the daily life of kids now a days.

I am lucky enough to get to run this amazing program and share this journey with other siblings like myself.

Katie Coyne

Consultant, Sibshop

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