2019 Autism Scholarship Application

2019 Autism Scholarship Application

The 2019 Autism Family Services of New Jersey Scholarship Application Program is open to New Jersey residents with a diagnosis of Autism.  This scholarship is unique since it allows graduates pursuing a college, university, technical, trade, or vocational school level...
2019 Autism Scholarship Application

2019 Epilepsy Scholarship Application

Epilepsy Services of New Jersey is pleased to announce that we are now accepting applications for our annual scholarship program for New Jersey high school seniors who have epilepsy. We anticipate offering at least two $1,000 scholarships this year. New Jersey high...
MyEpilepsyRockstar – Jake

MyEpilepsyRockstar – Jake

In 2014, Jake was diagnosed with Juvenile Myclonic Epilepsy after having a seizure during freshman football practice. He did not allow epilepsy to get in his way! He continued to go on to play football for his whole high school career. Jake became an ambassador to...

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