Presented by Damian Petino, Psy.D.
A Multi-tiered System of Supports model (MTSS) is an effective framework that attempts to address the mental health needs of all students in a school district and/or building. In this presentation, an overview of the MTSS model for school-based mental health will be provided including examples of prevention strategies, interventions for students who are at-risk and students who may need more intensive supports.
Register TodaySpecial attention will be paid for Tier 2 and 3 interventions for students who are demonstrating school refusal behavior.
This webinar is part of our new mid-day Webinar Series. The Family Resource Network is inviting you to nourish your mind with the Brunch for the Brain webinar series! Focusing on mental health for the person with the disability and/or their caregiver. The year-long webinar series take place on the third Wednesday of every month at 12 PM (EST).
All webinars are being offered free of charge.