September 7th, 2025

14th Ave. Beach in Belmar, NJ

The AFSNJ Autism Beach Bash features a surf camp with Surfers Healing, a California based nonprofit specializing in working with children with special needs.


AFSNJ’s Autism Beach Bash remains a free event for all, while also raising essential funds to provide the support, education, advocacy, and programs for people affected by autism and their families.

 There is still time to make a lasting impact by donating to AFSNJ’s Autism Beach Bash.

Please click the Link Below or Scan the QR Code to Donate Today! 

Autism Beach Bash

The 21st Annual Autism Beach Bash remains the largest gathering in NJ of individuals with autism and their families. Families also attended from surrounding states such as New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia.
Date: September 17, 2025 | Location: 14th Ave. Beach in Belmar, NJ.

Thanks to Our 20th Annual Autism Beach Bash Sponsors!

Presenting Sponsor

Top billing on all event collateral. T- shirts, signage on the main stage, a VIP tour of Beach
Bash, your company name on all outgoing press and news articles, recognition of sponsorship in event e-blasts sent to our distribution list, an opportunity to provide a logo gift to attendees, exhibitor space in a premiere exhibit or tent (value $850), your company name on the official Autism Beach Bash T-shirt, your logo and listing on AFSNJ website with link to your site and your company name featured on the welcome banner.




Platinum Sponsor

Top billing on all event collateral, signage on the main stage as our Platinum sponsor and recognition in all event e­ blasts and posted on the AFSNJ website with a link to your site. An opportunity to provide a logo gift to attendees, exhibitor space in a premiere exhibit or tent (value $850). Your company name on the official Autism Beach Bash T-shirt and your company name featured on the welcome banner.

Gold Sponsor

Top billing on all event collateral, signage on the main stage as our Gold Sponsor, and recognition in all event e-blasts and posted on the AFSNJ website with a link to your site. This sponsorship comes with a premium exhibitor tent (value $850). Your company name on the official Autism Beach Bash T-shirt and your company name featured on the welcome banner.

Silver Sponsor

Standard exhibitor tent (value $650). Company name on all event collateral, signage on the main stage as our Silver Sponsor and recognition in all event e-blasts and posted on the AFSNJ website with a link to your site. Your company name on the official Autism Beach Bash T-shirt
and your company name featured on the welcome banner.

$850 Premium Exhibitor

10 x 10 exhibitor space (must bring your own tent)

$650 Standard Exhibitor

Company presented under the Exhibitor Tent



$450 Non-Profit Exhibitor

Must provide 501c3 letter for non-profit pricing.
Company represented under the Exhibitor Tent.




$150 Sand Tee Signs

Company logo is displayed on tee sign during the event.



Trophy Sponsor

Activities Sponsor

Quiet Tent Sponsor

Arts and Crafts Sponsors

Additional Sponsors

Food Sponsors

About Surfers Healing

“Here at Surfers Healing, our mission is to enrich the lives of people living with autism by exposing them to the unique experience of surfing.”

On the surface, our contribution seems simple: each year, our volunteer-staffed camps give over 4,500 children with autism and their families a fun, engaging day at the beach.”

Surf Camp Registration is now open.   For more information and to register for the Surf Camp, visit Surfers Healing

Please Note: Registration is open from May 13th at 12AM and closes May 17th at 12PM

Scheduled Events


8:45 am Opening Remarks, AFSNJ, Opening Prayer, Surfers Healing
Begins at 9:00 am Surfers Healing SURF CAMP
9:00 am – 9:30 am Morning Warm Up
Kaye-Lynn Dance Studio
11:00 am – 12:00pm Group Breathwork Session – Mindful Movement
All Day Events Yoga provided by With Intentions Holistic Studio
All Day Music Entertainment
DJ Nick Tyson
Tempo Music Therapy Services
All Day
All Day
Exhibitor Tent
Quiet Tent – featuring BluePath Service Dog
All Day Arts & Crafts
Provided by First Children Services

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